Monday, September 13, 2010


Merriam-Webster's definition:
(to ruin): 1. to reduce to ruins, devastate; 2.a)to damage irreparably, b) bankrupt, impoverished; 3. to subject to frustration, failure, or disaster

My opinion on the best definition from this selection:
A mix of 3 and 2a.

My definition:
An adjective describing one whose mind has shattered into oblivion, one who cannot be put back together, no matter how many people try. To make what I think of as the perfect comparison, one who is like Humpty Dumpty. When all the king's horses and all the king's men can't put you back together again, you can officially be considered ruined.

Just a thought.


  1. I enjoy your definition of ruined.
    But you are not, in fact, a synonym of that word.
    Thank you, love.
    And goodnight.

  2. Night. And what are you saying thankyou for? I haven't really done much other than be a zombie the past few weeks.
