Saturday, November 27, 2010

Cop's Kid-ness.

Depression's a bitch. Jsyk. Black Friday shopping= avoided this year, thankyou stomach virus.

So, I dunno if anyone besides my 3 followers actually read this, I would be surprised if they did, but for those of you who don't know, my dad's a police officer. And he had to work Thanksgiving this year....again. He almost always has to work the Holidays. All of them. Which is frustrating for me, because it means while everybody else is already bragging about gifts and how much they love the holidays cause they get to see their family, I'm sitting at home praying with all my life that the nut-jobs will leave my dad alone, so he can come home safe just one more night. But at the same time, I have to recognize that because of my dad's occupation, while I'm sitting at home praying for him, he's out protecting the general public and making sure that somebody else's dad, or mom, sister, brother, uncle, aunt, grandma, son, daughter, grandad, or other random relative gets home safely, so they don't have to sit at home like me, praying that they'll get home safe...just one. more. night. I don't really know why I decided to share this particular tid-bit. But I did. So yeah....thanks for reading.

Friday, November 19, 2010

I feel like I've just lost my best friend. And it hurts. And I have no clue what to do, because the one person I tell absolutely EVERYTHING won't talk to me. I'm so lost right now.

Monday, November 15, 2010


Life's not supposed to feel like this
Like the movies
Like your body is just going through the motions
And you're so far off no one can get to you
Because life isn't the movies.
It's life
It's real
And everything was finally
Starting to feel real again
But now it's back to feeling a movie
So I guess I'll let it be
Just let it feel like a cinematic tragedy for a while
Until everyone decides to be on the same page again
So I can be a person again
Instead of a prop in someone else's life

For____....Who gives a shit anymore?

Hey, you know, everything was better.

For a while.

It was good.

For a while.

Looks like nothing's gonna last


Guess my world is falling apart
