Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Random Act (of Kindness?)

I was reading a friend's blog, the post was titled "Random Acts of Kindness", and it reminded me of something she had once said. It inspired me to write a comment...which I ended up not posting, because I ended up making this blog and then writing this post. So now I'm making a post and dedicating it to her. Here's to you, Riley.

There's always someone who loves you
You're always someone's favorite
And you're never alone, even on the lonliest of days
For, the spirits of those who love you
Are never far away
In fact, they are closer than you may know
Because they never leave your heart

Love you Riley. You're a sister to me and you know I'll always be here for you.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Delilah,
    You mean more to me than you can EVER imagine, and that post helped so very much.
