Friday, December 24, 2010

Those Little Creatures

When I think of emotions, I think of little creatures. Each with its own appearance. Soft, fluffy, pink. Hard, cold, black. Bleak, dark, empty. Firey hot, bright as can be, dangerous. And then, your mind is like a house, styled to your personality. I've always pictured mine as one of those sleek, clean-lined, modern exterior houses. Then you walk in, and it's still modern, but there are crazy colors and shapes everywhere, there's beautiful art, and music is blasting. Typically, the emotions get to live in your mind, a few at a time at a time. And the emotions move stuff arond, they add stuff, they change the house a little. Some of them completely trash it, but it always gets cleaned back up. The house is never arranged the same way though. Each time something happens, it changes the house a little bit. I might just be tilting a picture frame, or scooting a chair over a little bit, changing the tv channel or switching cds in a stereo. But it's never the same, because your mind adapts. You adapt. I think that's something we all have to learn to do.

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